SSL Secure Server Info
What is SSL?
Secure Socket Link (SSL) is an encryption standard developed by Netscape to ensure
secure data transfers over the Internet. To encrypt and 'digitally sign' a document
a secure web server is used in conjunction with a unique key & certificate. Certificates
(also called "Digital ID") are issued by Certificate Authorities (CA). Some CA are
trusted by your web browser by default while others are not. All of the certificates
used by Boot Networks are authenticated and approved by your browser by default. Boot
Networks only uses the most secure industry standard technology for your protection.
How do I secure an URL (
Securing a site with SSL requires a subscription to one of our business class accounts.
Once the proper class of account is created for your web site you may request a SSL key &
certificate. To request a certificate from a CA you need to generate a key pair on your server,
however, if your site is hosted by Boot Networks you may contact your Account executive at
) and Boot Networks will generate the key pair for you. After you
have the key you can apply for the certificate through an independent company called Verisign
at the last validated price of $650. The entire process can either be done through an
independent company at the costs mentioned above or your account may use one of the many existing
certificates & keys owned by Boot Networks at a significant savings (see below & contact your
account executive for current pricing). Certificates and keys are server/platform specific and
are issued for the exact server which your site is hosted on. This specificity means that keys
cannot be transferred & you cannot take the key with you if you transfer service.
I don't want to pay $650 to VeriSign, can I use your secure server?
Yes, provided you have the "Business" web hosting account you may share a Key and be issued
certificates owned by the Boot Network server. You will need to e-mail the pages (with all
the pictures included) to
and we will install them on our Secure
server and we'll e-mail back to you the secure URL which you need to reference from your web site.

Web Site Statistics Package Update
Email Server Upgrade
E-Mail Filters Detect Over 99% of Spam
Mail Server Antivirus
Web-based E-mail
Testing Spam Filters
E-mail Redundancy