San Diego Tours

San Diego Tours
Create An Event has been offering San Diego Tours and events in San Diego County since May of 1994. We specialize in customized group tours with an emphasis on "how the locals enjoy San Diego". We are always in search of the most interesting and fun ways to enjoy our beautiful area.

San Diego Tours:

Behind the Scenes Tour at San Diego Zoo
Discovering the Tidepools
San Diego Eco Tours
Sites of San Diego
A Day in Rosarito, Mexico
Julian Backcountry
La Jolla Art Gallery Tour
San Diego Bay Yacht Tour
Scenic Coastline
San Diego Shopping Tours
Discovering the Tide Pools
San Diego Wine Country Tours
Beach Bars of San Diego

San Diego Tours
Contact us for the best tours in San Diego:

Create an Event Tours
3486 Juniper Street
San Diego, CA 92105